Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013 Day 26 - Boxing Day

We celebrate Boxing Day here in Canada - its like Black Friday - shops open early (5 am), people line up early for door buster deals and most everything that isn't a new arrival is 50% off.  The only thing missing is people being trampled (so far...I'm sure its coming though).

We've gone to the mall every Boxing day for as long as I can remember.  When I was small, however, all that was open was the department stores and card stores...this was because the only thing that was 50% off was Christmas cards, wrap, tags and decorations.  We would pile into the car, go to the mall, watch mom grab wrap and cards while Dad was already in the line-up.  Once we got everything paid for, we'd go back home, all done.

Somewhere in the 80's it changed to be a huge shopping day and Mom and I have been going to shop every boxing day since I've been able to drive (so a long time).  We'd be loaded with bags and take at least 1 trip ( but normally more) to the car to unload our booty!  I'd get at least 2 suits every year and often a new winter coat and lots of other clothing - fantastic!  The good deals we had in the past have diminished - lots of shops now have "50% on clearance" - which is pretty picked over already, so we don't get as many good deals as we used to...but we are LOOKING for them every year!  My friend Jocelynne started joining us about 5 years ago and its great fun to shop, chit chat, have a nice quiet lunch (shhhh....we know the 1 place in our mall that no one know is there) and then laugh at all the university students that are still standing in the line-ups for Abercrombie and Fitch (etc) whilst we head home with all our bags!

This year was particularly crazy at the mall.  We meet every year around 9:30 and I get there around 9 so I can have a leisurely coffee.  Last year I took a photo of the crowds at that time...and there weren't any - which is typical...the crowds usually arrive around 1 pm, when we are done most of our shopping and are having a leisurely lunch.  THIS year, it was hard to find parking at 9 am!  There were even people sitting on the floor around the food courts because there wasn't a place to sit where there were tables - I've never seen it that busy...and makes us even more thankful for our secret eating place!

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