Tuesday, December 10, 2013

2013 Day 7 - Sensory Overload

Getting in touch with the 5 senses for 1 day....

Seeing...During my morning walk, there were a few more lighted trees that showed up around the mall - all lovely silver and white and blue...my favourites!    To me, Christmas sights = lights
New tree that arrived over night at the mall

Hearing…I've been listening to my Christmas CDs since early November during my morning walk.  Today "Caroling, Caroling" by Johnny Mathis was part of the shuffle and it made me smile so much that I re-played it several times whilst singing it during my walk...surprisingly, no one noticed or thought it was strange someone walking around a mall was singing "DING DONG, DING DONG, Christmas Bells are Ringing" over and over again to herself.     To me, Christmas sounds = Christmas music

Smelling....I went to Michael's today and they had all their cinnamon scented pine-cones outside - you could smell them before you could see them and it always reminds me of Christmas...not sure why, but it does.  I love that scent.  Every YEAR I think...why are they putting these outside...by the time someone purchases them, all the lovely scent will be gone!       To me, Christmas smells = cinnamon

Feeling.....Warm!  It was -24C today (-11F) which is cold, but I felt warm.  The main reason is that compared to last week when it was -35C (-31F), it felt warm!      To me, Christmas feels = COLD outside but still warm

Tasting....I stopped for a lovely Candy Cane hot chocolate this afternoon at Second Cup.  Its my favourite seasonal treat.  I normally only get around to having maybe 1 or 2 before they are gone, but this year, I've had at least one a week since they came out and I'm enjoying every slurp...even IF they are crazy full of SUGAR!     To me, Christmas tastes = sweet

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