Instead of looking back to my childhood, I'm going back to last year.
Our son was never into Christmas or Santa or gifts - unwrapping was fun, but the items inside the wrapping paper - meh. In 2012, he was a little more into it because I think he remembered the prior year there were gifts from Santa that he was really happy with.
Buying gifts for him is difficult because he doesn't really play with anything, so hitting that "perfect" gift is tough - he doesn't ask for anything, and isn't interested in anything so its pretty much a crap shoot. Scouring what looks popular and trying to figure out if he'll be interested in it at all.
I went with a heavy emphasis to Toy Story and vehicles because he kind of gravitates to those things - so Santa brought him books and puzzles and cars with Toy Story theme. As I was about to fill his stockings I thought - I know what he'd really like....NIBS and Red Lollipops! Those are the only candy he'll eat and its the only "treat" that we can use as motivators, so he doesn't get them unless he achieves a task.
I got a little baggie and filled it with NIBS and put it, and a bunch of red lollipops at the toe of his stocking.
The next morning, he was actually a little curious about whether Santa brought anything and sure enough, there were full stockings and a Buzz & Woody race car set waiting for him. He ran to the gifts, but I got him to stop long enough to wait for Dad to come and while we were waiting I got him to read his letter from Santa (which had the same handwriting as the letters I received when I was a kid...he must be real).
He was opening up stocking stuffers and there was paper and stuff everywhere. He thought he was all done and was marching over to the tree to start with THOSE gifts when I said...are you sure you got everything out of your stocking? He went back and stuck his hand in and pulled out a baggie and looked at it and screamed....NIBS! Then he stuck his hand in again and he could tell by the feel that it was lollipops and he started giggling and smiling and saying....oohhh. I asked what it was and he pulled them out and yelled LOLLIPOPS with a big grin on his face.
When my parents arrived later in the morning they asked what Santa brought him and he said NIBS and Lollipops!
The Perfect Gift for my someone special.
Here's the face when he realized there were lollipops....
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