Sunday, December 15, 2013

2013 Day 15 - Deck the Halls

I'm almost done decking our halls, but I thought I'd take the opportunity to think about this topic from the perspective of my childhood.

'Halls' weren't particularly decked at my mother's house.  In the main living room, there would be a tree (of course).  She would put plastic poinsettia on lamp shades (its not as nasty as it sounds).  She has had several different coffee table centre pieces over the years, which she often made.  The 1st one I that I can recall was full of blues and white and silver baubles, flowers, filler (to hide the Styrofoam base).

Other coffee table centerpieces she had (other than a big bowl of unshelled nuts & a box of turtles) include a Santa in a wicker sleigh and mounted on Styrofoam with cotton batten "snow", pine bough arrangement with large pillar candles, and a large decorative dish loaded with ornaments.  Lately its been large flower arrangements.

I wonder if the reason I think of this particular blue one is because of the colors (since those are my favourite) AND I wonder if it was the catalyst in my loving those colors at Christmas? It's probably the reason why I like to do Christmas crafts (mind you, its been a few years since I 'made' a Christmas decoration...hmmm).

I wish there were photos of these details - not only because it would be nice to see them again, but also because my mother MADE them, to they are special just for that fact alone.