Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Day 22 - Warming the Heart

Today we are to talk about a defining moment of Christmas for the year or witnessing (or doing) an act of kindness.

The 1st thing that came to mind was purchasing and delivering toys for Santa's Anonymous.  I started doing this several years ago (at least 10...maybe more).  I love going around TRU and finding gifts for babies, toddlers, girls, and entire family.  GJA does the same and focuses on the boys.  We easily spend more on these gifts than we do for our kiddo.  I always think about how happy PJ would be to receive the gift, if he was in a family that couldn't afford to purchase gifts....every year I get all misty eyed just thinking about these poor kiddos.

The 2nd thing that came to mind for this specific year was PJ and his attempt to coexist with my brother.  PJ maybe sees my brother once a year (if he's lucky), so is very scared and anxious around him.  My brother is really tall, loud and present, when he's around and its pretty overwhelming for PJ.  He did such a great job sitting at the table for any family function, offered to share his food with my brother and even happily posed with him for a photo.  To any outsider, it would seem like it was the opposite of a win - but in our family, it was huge growth and win!

PJ wanted to sit in his regular chair - even though it meant sitting by Dean

Came for a photo without fuss and smiled nicely

See...he can be kind of scary
This year, on Dec 22, I did my walk and there were tons of MEN at the mall - it was hilarious watching them wander around dazed and confused.  We also went for supper for my mother's birthday.